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A Season for Change: Make a Fresh Start

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Socrates said that “the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” We often associate change with the seasons, especially when winter changes to spring. We use spring season to make changes in our lives. We spring clean and declutter our spaces. We spend more time outdoors since the weather’s better. We feel energised and we look forward to new beginnings.

Making a fresh start and moving forward has a lot to do with your mindset. You need to be able to see possibilities and identify what a fresh start looks like for you. If you’re serious about wanting change, you need to remain focused on your goal and your journey to get there.

A Fresh Start

When you decide to make a fresh start and take action, you need to be ready to accept that situations and people around you will change. This can be an uncomfortable part of the journey. You may be so used to the way things are that when you try to make a change (or even think about change), it scares you and stops you from going further.

Although change can be difficult, it’s important to stick to your journey if you’re serious about seeing it through. It’s easy to give up halfway through your journey when you don’t see instant results or simply don’t feel like continuing anymore. Whether you decide to give up or carry on, this decision often becomes a major turning point in your life. It’s a moment that can either leave you feeling regretful or it can give you the motivation and skills to handle moments of change with ease in future.

Making a change and giving yourself a fresh start isn’t impossible. You just need to have a plan for how you’ll start and how you’ll deal with different situations that you’ll encounter on your journey. Here are five tips on how you can make a fresh start and make the change that you long for in your life.

1. Know what you want

Before you can go anywhere, you need to know where you’re going. You need to visualise the kind of life that you want for yourself and write it down. If you’re unsure of what you want, start by asking yourself: ‘What am I unhappy with in my life right now? What kind of life do I want instead?’ Be as specific and detailed as possible because it’ll help you to create your plan.

2. Make a plan

You know what you want, now you have to figure out how you’ll get there. It’s tempting to think that you can skip having a plan and somehow just reach your goals. The truth is, without a plan, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Having a plan will keep you on track regardless of what’s happening around you. Your plan might change along the way but it’ll be there to guide you throughout your journey. When it comes to creating a plan, there is no one-size-fits-all. Feel free to create your plan around your individual needs, using tools that work for you.

3. Take action

This is the step where many people freeze and never move forward. But not you. You’ll be the one who actions the first step in your plan and takes every step thereafter. When you take one action, you create a chain reaction. Once you’ve started an action and you achieve it, no matter how small, you build motivation. You feel empowered to take on more because you’re building your confidence with every action that you take.

4. Stay focused

You’ll likely experience distractions and setbacks throughout your journey. It’s important that you stay focused and keep working toward the change that you want.

5. Celebrate every milestone

Don’t forget to celebrate every success, big or small. You don’t have do this in an elaborate way but it’s important to acknowledge your achievements and feel proud. This will keep you motivated for the rest of your journey.

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