Adapt to Handle Change

Adapt to Handle Change

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“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to the pitcher” ~ Chinese Proverb

The world around us is changing all the time. It may even feel as though it’s changing at a more rapid pace than before. At any given time, change becomes a part of our daily lives and we need to adapt to keep going and remain relevant. As changes happen and as you learn to adapt, understand that you don’t need to lose your identity and who you are at the core. As an individual or a business, you still need to know who you are and the direction that you’re willing to take.

Going through change

Going through change may mean that you need to transform or reinvent yourself. It doesn’t mean that you abandon everything about yourself. For example, if have a specific set of values, you don’t have to simply discard these values in the pursuit of a venture or product, so that you remain relevant. Your pursuit still needs to be aligned with your values and your brand.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed when things change. Change is often difficult for us because we’re creatures of habit and we strive for comfort. It can be frustrating to grapple with why change is happening while you’re figuring out how to deal with it.

Managing change

To manage change, you first need to understand it. Understand why the change is happening and the impact that it will have on you. Understand why you need to adapt. Gather as much information as possible. Do online research. Discuss it with people and get different perspectives. Include your own perspective. When you’ve gathered enough useful information, use that to help you adapt.

Adaptation requires a different way of thinking. You need to think differently from the norm and look for opportunities to adapt. Notice what’s missing in the world and see where you can add value. Look at what you’re currently doing and apply a different perspective.

If you’re going through change and feeling stuck on how to move forward and adapt, ask yourself the following questions as a starting point.

  • What changes are happening around me?
  • How will this change affect me?
  • What does this change mean for the future?
  • What do I currently offer to the world?
  • Is my offering still relevant?
  • Does it still add value to a changing world?
  • What do I need to do to handle the changes?
  • What part of my offering do I keep in a changing world?
  • What’s my plan to adapt and what resources do I need?

How do you adapt and move forward in an ever-changing world?

People and businesses need support when planning for change. Click here or contact us to discover how our coaching services can help you.

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